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Why To Choose Us

2.46 Cr Customers 
Each week, discover handpicked meats carefully curated for you.
7,159+ Network Garages
The easiest way to bring gourmet meats straight to your doorstep!
16,625+ Netowrk Hospitals
Take your love for quality meats to new heights with Butcher.
23,000+ SBI Branches
Each week, discover handpicked meats carefully curated for you.
Rs.24000Cr+ Claims Handled
The easiest way to bring gourmet meats straight to your doorstep!
Covered 140+ Locations
Take your love for quality meats to new heights with Butcher.
Contact Info
(255) 352-6258
1234 Divi St. #1000, San Francisco, CA 94220
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